News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Trump recognizes US-backed head of Venezuela’s opposition Juan Guaido as country’s interim president 2 rtcom
Venezuela breaking diplomatic relations with US after its attempt to stage coup – President Maduro 1 rtcom
Fears Coalition's encryption cracking laws could expand metadata retention 2 guardian
I want equality and so does Theresa May: that’s why I am going to work with her 3 guardian
Ohio: Democrat Richard Cordray puts Republican governorship in jeopardy 3 guardian
Rail workers' war memorial unveiled at London St Pancras 3 guardian
Haunted by a mugshot: how predatory websites exploit the shame of arrest 3 guardian
Weatherwatch: overheating cities take steps to cool down 3 guardian
Special needs pupils being failed by system 'on verge of crisis' 5 guardian
Anna Burns’s Man Booker prize is more than a fairytale – it’s a lesson 3 guardian
Q&A: Gillian Triggs says Scott Morrison 'foolish' and 'unhelpful' over Bourke Street 3 guardian
You want to be a citizen of France? Only superheroes need apply 4 guardian
WA Indigenous community tries to rid water supply of unsafe level of uranium 2 guardian
Amazon breaks Premier League hold of Sky and BT with Prime streaming deal 5 guardian
Gun control groups outspent NRA in midterm elections 4 guardian
In India, women are no longer prepared to stay silent 2 guardian