News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Whirlpool should be made to recall tumble dryers, say MPs 3 guardian
'R Kelly insisted I have a sex trainer' 2 bbc
Delaying Brexit worse than no deal, says Liam Fox 4 bbc
Woman hit by police car in Walthamstow dies 5 bbc
Country diary: the heather is a burnt burgundy, the grass yellowed 2 guardian
Shrinking aeroplane loos will make many feel blue 1 guardian
Indonesia’s gross violation of local culture and rights in West Papua 1 guardian
Britain must do more to help child refugees 1 guardian
The resistible rise of the far right and populism 1 guardian
Getting to grips with UK citizenship law 1 guardian
The NHS lacks staff, but so do the countries it has recruited from 1 guardian
The resistible rise of the far right and populism 1 guardian
Can a Self-Help Book a Month Yield a Year’s Worth of Life Changes? 0 nytimes
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Leading and Following at the Same Time 0 nytimes
Shutdown, Mariano Rivera, Serena Williams: Your Wednesday Briefing 1 nytimes
Mexico election: historic landslide victory for leftist Amlo 7 guardian