News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Shop front destroyed in Milnthorpe cash machine raid 0 bbc
Gravesend nightclub attacker given 28-year sentence 0 bbc
Christmas on the High Street: Retail winners and losers 0 bbc
Rod Rosenstein, a Tough-on-Crime Conservative Thrust Into a Political Maelstrom 10 nytimes
Congo election: Tshisekedi's surprise victory rejected as 'electoral coup' 8 guardian
'Right to be forgotten' by Google should apply only in EU, says court 1 guardian
Congo election: Tshisekedi's surprise victory rejected as 'electoral coup' 5 guardian
Separate jailed Islamist extremists from other inmates, says expert 1 guardian
DR Congo presidential election: Outcry as Tshisekedi named winner 14 bbc
Lucy McHugh death: Man denies Southampton teen's murder 0 bbc
Older people more likely to share fake news on Facebook 0 guardian
Pyramid stone row: Egypt asks Museum of Scotland for papers 0 guardian
Leyton stabbing: Jayden Moodie in London 'for new start' 1 bbc
Man died 'in agony' after stroke amid ambulance delays 3 bbc
Jeff Bezos of Amazon and MacKenzie Bezos Plan to Divorce 1 nytimes
Some HRT tablets 'linked to higher blood clot risk' 2 bbc