News Article Title Version Source Discovered
EU patients may miss out on medicines in no-deal Brexit, says AstraZeneca 2 guardian
Human Rights Council Ratchets Up Pressure on Myanmar 1 nytimes
Mark Judge’s Name Keeps Coming Up. Here’s What We Know. 4 nytimes
Furious Lindsey Graham Calls Kavanaugh Hearing ‘the Most Unethical Sham’ 0 nytimes
Donald Trump, North Korea and the potential global consequences 1 guardian
Fishermen warn against carve-up of UK waters in Brexit deal 1 guardian
Hedge funds' purchase of Brexit vote polling data under scrutiny 0 guardian
Loyal customers being 'ripped off' across five sectors, study finds 0 guardian
Whitehall to hire apprentice economists to boost diversity 0 guardian
Brett Kavanaugh Hearings: Graham Explodes at Democrats and Durbin Pushes F.B.I. Inquiry 11 nytimes
On Politics With Lisa Lerer: He Litigated. She Persuaded. 1 nytimes
Brett Kavanaugh Hearings: Graham Explodes at Democrats and Durbin Pushes F.B.I. Inquiry 18 nytimes
Bolstered by ‘unwavering’ US support, Netanyahu thunders from UNGA dais 1 rtcom
The Guardian view on the Lib Dems: missing their moment 1 guardian
‘Is This Good?’ 0 nytimes
In the Garden of Eels 1 nytimes