News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ivory Coast toxic waste in France 1 bbc
Saddam in court for second trial 4 bbc
Two convicted over Lahore bombs 1 bbc
Orangutans perish in Borneo fires 0 bbc
US mid-terms at-a-glance: 7 November 0 bbc
Increase in police-related deaths 0 bbc
Funeral service held for marine 0 bbc
Brown downplays Olympic VAT bill 1 bbc
Funeral for Corfu death children 4 bbc
Farepak families fund is launched 5 bbc
US votes in crucial mid-term poll 4 bbc
'Chilling' plan of bomb plotter 4 bbc
'Chilling' plan of bomb plotter 3 bbc
Two convicted over Lahore bombs 0 bbc
Patients recalled for HIV tests 0 bbc
Blind pupils 'denied text books' 0 bbc