News Article Title Version Source Discovered
German mountain that symbolises freedom 0 bbc
The car craze sweeping Russia's rich 0 bbc
Fire death family killed by smoke 2 bbc
Fire death family killed by smoke 1 bbc
Syria denies Lebanon plot claim 0 bbc
US mid-terms at-a-glance: 2 November 0 bbc
World 'lacks will' on disasters 2 bbc
Web inventor fears for the future 6 bbc
What Posh could have bought 3 bbc
Mother allowed baby son's murder 9 bbc
Kyrgyz protesters call for change 6 bbc
Panama agreement ends UN seat row 5 bbc
Cutting and running 1 bbc
Group breaks into power station 6 bbc
Mother allowed baby son's murder 8 bbc
'Weekend prison' scheme scrapped 1 bbc