News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rubber bullets at Hungary protest 0 bbc
Peace activist jailed for attack 0 bbc
UK 'tops energy wasters league' 13 bbc
Talking face to face 3 bbc
Widow wins nursing costs battle 0 bbc
Owner denies 'monkey suffering' 4 bbc
Mosque assault 'fuelled by MPs' 4 bbc
Owner denies 'monkey suffering' 3 bbc
Tear gas used at Hungary protests 18 bbc
Mother spared jail for baby death 5 bbc
Manhunt continues after abduction 3 bbc
Talking face to face 2 bbc
UN makes Nepal Maoist food pledge 0 bbc
Tear gas used at Hungary protests 17 bbc
Casino culture 2 bbc
Minister's 'thank you' to troops 3 bbc