News Article Title Version Source Discovered
When Mom Slams a Brand on Instagram 0 nytimes
Judy Collins Has a Time Machine 0 nytimes
Minority Voters Chafe as Democratic Candidates Abandon Charter Schools 0 nytimes
Albania hit by powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake 6 bbc
Albania Earthquake Kills at Least 8 5 nytimes
Malta PM's chief of staff quits as Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry continues 3 guardian
Huawei affair: German 'insult' on spying angers US 0 bbc
The gang laws keeping black and Latino people in California prisons 0 guardian
Birmingham anti-LGBT school protests: judge makes ban permanent 0 guardian
De La Rue warns there is 'significant doubt' about its future 0 guardian
Man pleads guilty to New Year's Eve knife attack in Manchester 0 guardian
Albania earthquake: at least nine dead and hundreds injured 4 guardian
Albania earthquake: at least nine dead and hundreds injured 4 guardian
Helicopter crash leaves 13 French troops dead in Mali 3 guardian
LGBT teaching row: Protests cannot resume outside primary school 0 bbc
Manchester Victoria station stabbings: Man admits attempted murder 0 bbc