News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK weather: heatwave to continue across south and east 2 guardian
Brazil rejects Macron’s money for fighting Amazon fires, points to Notre Dame fail as evidence 0 rtcom
Opioid crisis: Johnson & Johnson hit by landmark ruling 4 bbc
Why is Indonesia moving its capital city? Everything you need to know 0 guardian
Australian gallery accused of censoring democracy activists over Hong Kong event 0 guardian
Country diary: a squadron of swallows is fed, but fears for insect life remain 0 guardian
G7, Amazon, Johnson & Johnson: Your Monday Evening Briefing 3 nytimes
Amazon fires: Brazil to reject G7 offer of $22m aid 0 bbc
Turnbull's Uluru statement rejection is 'mean-spirited bastardry' – legal expert 11 guardian
Soyuz manned by Russian robot Fedor docks ISS on 2nd attempt 2 rtcom
Tanya Day's race played no part in decision to call police, train conductor tells inquest 0 guardian
Hong Kong protests: Carrie Lam rejects claims she has lost control 0 guardian
'Russians have special status': politics and mining mix in Guinea 0 guardian
Your Tuesday Briefing 0 nytimes
Far-Right Groups Face Off With Counterprotesters in Washington 1 nytimes
So, what (or who) killed them? RT walks through final steps of doomed Dyatlov Pass hikers (VIDEO) 1 rtcom