News Article Title Version Source Discovered
When Office Buildings Go Beyond Green 0 nytimes
Trump baby blimp back and even bigger for UK state visit 0 guardian
If even Beyoncé had a rough pregnancy, what hope do other black women have? 1 guardian
Lyra McKee killing: 'New IRA' admits responsibility 12 bbc
Claims that NHS rubber gloves made by forced labour spark inquiries 2 guardian
Sri Lanka Bombings Live Updates: ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attacks 10 nytimes
Billy McNeill obituary 2 guardian
Politician from Hitler's home town resigns over 'deeply racist' poem 3 guardian
Philippines Struck by Another Powerful Earthquake 4 nytimes
Sri Lanka attacks: Mass funerals held as nation mourns 12 bbc
Politician from Hitler's home town resigns over 'deeply racist' poem 3 guardian
US 'border militia training to assassinate Obama' - FBI 0 bbc
Atakan Atay death: Wife claims husband was violent 0 bbc
Police horse Morecambe dies at Blackpool football match 5 bbc
Brexit: Cross-party talks resume after Easter recess 8 bbc
Why won’t the remain parties work together for the EU elections? 2 guardian