News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Multimillionaire leaves large sum of money to Oxfam 2 guardian
Stockholm says no to Apple 'town square' in its oldest park 6 guardian
Stockholm says no to Apple 'town square' in its oldest park 6 guardian
James Ivory: why Ismail Merchant and I kept our love secret 6 guardian
Disadvantaged children do better at school if in a minority, finds report 6 guardian
EU border 'lie detector' system criticised as pseudoscience 8 guardian
Only when MPs stare into the abyss will they agree to a People’s Vote 5 guardian
Why I’m suing over my dream internship 5 guardian
Trump and Putin to reveal details of first official summit 12 guardian
Michael Curry’s royal wedding sermon will go down in history 12 guardian
Trump attacks 'disgraced' Mueller and rails against 'phony' obstruction claims 6 guardian
Trump attacks 'disgraced' Mueller and rails against 'phony' obstruction claims 6 guardian
Nora Krug: ‘I would have thought, what’s left to say about Germany’s Nazi past?' 5 guardian
Are sexual harassers about to have free rein on American campuses? 3 guardian
'You can't erase us': in Silicon Valley, Google workers share assault stories 5 guardian
Britain has never looked so foolish in the world’s eyes 3 guardian