News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Work starts to identify Argentinian Falklands war dead 4 guardian
Two Freemasons' lodges operating secretly at Westminster 6 guardian
British Airways risks strike action over plans to curb pension benefits 4 guardian
How Brexit will unfold – Britain will get a deal, but it’ll come at a price 5 guardian
Lessons on austerity from all over Europe 4 guardian
Nancy Pelosi's eight-hour speech: an attempt to persuade GOP on immigration 7 guardian
Brexit: David Davis and Michel Barnier begin discussions in Brussels 3 guardian
Brexit could leave Britain with a bare larder, farmers warn 4 guardian
Second man arrested on suspicion of murdering Ellen Higginbottom 3 guardian
How much hope should be placed in Emmanuel Macron? 3 guardian
George Pell charges push sex abuse scandal into heart of Vatican 4 guardian
Brexit immigration paper delay criticised by UK businesses 6 guardian
NHS prescribed record number of antidepressants last year 4 guardian
John Worboys back in Wakefield prison as victims fight his release 3 guardian
What is it about boys and bragging about their big cars? 4 guardian
Orange cave crocodiles may be 'mutating' into new species 4 guardian