News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Thousands of Victorians to get 'unprecedented' compensation over power outage 0 guardian
Saudi cleric says women need not wear abaya robe in public 0 guardian
Charlie Gard case: May says hospital will consider any offers 5 guardian
Russia sanctions: Trump signs bill imposing new measures 8 guardian
Grand Canyon helicopter crash kills three 0 bbc
Sam Dastyari contradicted South China Sea policy a day after Chinese donor's threat 5 guardian
We worry about Trump, but rush to embrace the Qataris 2 guardian
Turkey demands an end to Qatar blockade as humanitarian crisis deepens 2 guardian
Inside Britain First: ex-member tells of petty rivalries, racism and violent anti-Muslim plots 3 guardian
What the life of ‘old soul’ Quamari Serunkuma-Barnes tells us about child knife deaths in Britain 4 guardian
Our enduring commitment to reporting on knife deaths of young people 1 guardian
Why don’t we agonise about welfare cuts as much as public sector pay caps? 1 guardian
Cory Booker blasts Republicans for amnesia over Trump's 'shithole' remark 3 guardian
North Korea looms large as Donald Trump embarks on Asia trip 3 guardian
Alexander Downer: the gaffe-prone conservative and unlikely anti-Trump hero 2 guardian
Investigators explore if Russia colluded with pro-Trump sites during US election 4 guardian