News Article Title Version Source Discovered
KKK link to Clint Eastwood film 2 guardian
Read it and weep: meet the man waging a weekly protest at Trump Tower 2 guardian
Lollipop man's high-five ban lifted in U-turn 1 bbc
US stocks drop then rise again as wild ride continues 1 guardian
'Sonic attack': Canadian diplomat in Cuba also suffered hearing damage 1 guardian
Cassie Sainsbury hopeful she will be cleared on drug mule charges, her lawyer says 1 guardian
Trump: Bernie Sanders' universal healthcare plan a 'curse' on Americans 3 guardian
The Brutal Life of a Sanitation Worker 1 nytimes
Sod it, let’s pretend Hillary Clinton won the election last year 2 guardian
'Ready to fight': Transgender troops and veterans hit back over Trump ban 2 guardian
Trump, Saying ‘Mere Allegation’ Ruins Lives, Appears to Doubt #MeToo Movement 3 nytimes
Brazilians turn to carnival as an escape from crime and corruption 1 guardian
'Guest workers': the North Korean expats forced to feed the regime 3 guardian
It is fair to blame older people for the housing crisis? 0 guardian
The probation service is in meltdown: how will Worboys be supervised? 0 guardian
Cigarette companies don't sponsor the Olympics. Why does Coca-Cola? 0 guardian