News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Who says Americans have no sense of irony? 1 guardian
The Unesco chief and my release from prison in Azerbaijan 1 guardian
How DEC funds help fleeing Rohingya people 1 guardian
UK trade deficit widens as weak pound fails to boost exports 1 guardian
Plenty of ways to bring an end to plagiarism in university essays 1 guardian
The need to tackle London’s toxic air 1 guardian
US and UK pledge millions for largest-ever fund to fight modern day slavery 0 independent
Grumpy Cat wins $710,000 payout in copyright dispute over use of image 0 independent
Roland Moyle obituary 1 guardian
Number of problem gamblers in the UK rises to more than 400,000 4 guardian
Woman’s body found as Danish police search for missing journalist 6 guardian
Charlie Gard: how new brain scans showed he could not be helped 3 guardian
Donald Trump applies art of exaggeration to handling of US economy 1 guardian
Mikhail Durnenkov: the Russian writer capturing the everyday dread of modern life 5 guardian
Mikhail Durnenkov: the Russian writer capturing the everyday dread of modern life 4 guardian
Earn, and breathe: Meditating your way to profit 0 bbc