News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tuesday briefing: Hard Brexit and the hip pocket 1 guardian
Skywatchers see 'super blue blood Moon' 3 bbc
Where NASA Put a Parking Lot, Dinosaurs and Mammals Once Crossed Paths 0 nytimes
Trump calls for US cabinet secretaries to have power to fire federal workers 'who undermine public trust' 0 independent
State of the Union guests include Dreamers, Trump critics and #MeToo 5 guardian
State of the union? Melania Trump faces public after Stormy Daniels claims 3 guardian
Birmingham pub bombings: Coroner to appeal court ruling 0 bbc
Carwyn Jones should apologise, says Plaid AM in NHS row 0 bbc
Stonewall names Welsh Assembly as top LGBT employer 0 bbc
Duke and duchess to meet Sweden's stars on day two of tour 0 bbc
Bristol man with autism shot by police with stun gun 2 guardian
The Lunar Eclipse and Super Blue Moon Is Here. Watch It Before Work. 6 nytimes
Capita shares hit 15-year low after shock profits warning - business live 6 guardian
City firms urge free trade agreement for financial services after Brexit 1 guardian
1st super blue blood moon eclipse in 150 yrs 1 rtcom
The Single Mom’s Guide to Sex, Love and Basketball 1 nytimes