News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Jordanian soldier receives life sentence over death of three US military trainers 1 guardian
Seattle insists it's a model for progressive policing – so why was Charleena Lyles killed? 3 guardian
Emmanuel Macron agrees to loan Bayeux Tapestry to Britain 5 guardian
Neither the girthers nor a white knight will eject Trump. It’s down to democracy 1 guardian
Carillion collapse raises job fears 12 bbc
Russia human rights: 'Arsonists' target offices of Memorial 1 bbc
Landmark court ruling could decriminalise street prostitution in UK 0 independent
Celine Dookhran murder accused 'obsessed' with victim 1 bbc
Arthur Collins: Acid attacker jailed for further eight months after smuggling mobile phone into prison inside crutch 1 independent
Morning mail: how Tony Abbott hurt the public service 1 guardian
The supreme court upheld bigotry before. Its Muslim ban ruling does it again 1 guardian
Steve Bannon refuses lawmakers' questions under 'White House instructions' 4 guardian
The Bayeux Tapestry – historic, yes, but is it any good? 0 guardian
Campaign urges people to recycle dead batteries 1 guardian
Edible insects: Do insects actually taste any good? 3 bbc
SNP slams Scots Tories over Brexit bill 0 bbc