News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Healthcare bill: Latest Republican attempt at Obamacare repeal suffers grievous blow after John McCain announces oppo... 1 independent
Mealtimes reflect UK family life 2 bbc
Johnson Matthey jumps 15% after revealing battery plan 3 bbc
Republicans' new health bill would hit women hardest, experts say 1 guardian
Refuse collector jailed for supplying drugs to 15-year-old girl who died 1 guardian
Theresa May's Florence speech: key points 4 guardian
Theresa May asks EU for two-year Brexit transition period 2 guardian
Kremlin influence in America: The evidence right under our nose 1 rtcom
Uber ban: App to appeal TfL's decision to revoke London licence 0 independent
After Maria and Irma: Caribbean Tourism, Island by Island 1 nytimes
Uber London ban: App loses licence to operate in capital 9 independent
McCain torpedoes Republicans' Obamacare repeal plan again 0 bbc
Brexit: Firms call for action after May's Florence speech 0 bbc
John McCain says he can't vote for Republican plan to replace Obamacare 0 guardian
Trump embraces a post-American world 0 washpo
McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming Its Fate 0 nytimes