News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Vince Cable likens May to headteacher 'barricaded in her office' 1 guardian
Coalition's media package to benefit 'selected' unis but doubts over fund's future 0 guardian
Thousands stuck in New Zealand after digger punctures airport fuel pipe 5 guardian
Georgia Tech police shoot LGBTQ student dead 0 guardian
Firms are 'wasting potential' of a fifth of workers 1 bbc
UK households feel biggest squeeze in three years as potential interest rates hike may make it worse 0 independent
4 U.S. Women Hit by Acid Attack in France 3 nytimes
What is at stake in Iraqi Kurdish vote for independence? 1 bbc
Two junior doctors left to care for 436 patients on 'very unsafe' night shift 1 guardian
China bans major Beijing construction projects in 'war against air pollution' 0 independent
Stanislav Petrov dead: The Soviet officer who 'saved the world' by averting nuclear war dies aged 77 0 independent
China Communist Party Youth Twitter account prompts abuse 0 bbc
Deportation threats, driving licence revoked, child benefit stopped - all for living legally in the UK 1 guardian
Marriage equality: Scott Morrison says he wants religious protections if 'yes' wins 0 guardian
A battle with prejudice: why we overlook the warrior women of ancient times 0 guardian
Theresa May visits Canada for post-Brexit trade talks 1 bbc