News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Thunder Bay police under fire for indigenous deaths 0 bbc
Norway 'troll penis' restored to its former upstanding glory 0 bbc
Donald Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin lasts more than 2 hours after being scheduled for 30 minutes 5 independent
Mike Pence mocked for touching Nasa equipment despite clear 'Do not touch' sign right in front of him 0 independent
'The system's violating everyone': the Canadian trans parent fighting to keep gender markers off cards 1 guardian
Fancy sharing the cost of a flight on a private aircraft? 0 bbc
G20: Trump and Putin debate US election hack at first meeting 1 bbc
Macron pushes to front of G20 photo shoot to stand next to Trump after another handshake 'tug-of-war' 0 independent
Putin-Trump in deja vu ‘House of Cards’ moment at G20 Summit (PHOTOS) 0 rtcom
Sally Yates: Trump's refusal to believe Russia hacked US election means it could happen again 1 independent
‘Positive chemistry’ between Trump & Putin at first meeting – Tillerson 3 rtcom
Charlie Gard hospital applies to high court for fresh hearing 2 guardian
Bristol Scout returns to UK's first hangars after a century 0 bbc
The resistance now: it's recess week, but Republicans are hiding from constituents 0 guardian
Trump Confronts Putin on Election Meddling at Eagerly Awaited Encounter 0 nytimes
London Hospital Reconsiders Decision to Turn Off Sick Baby’s Life Support 6 nytimes