News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Vaginal mesh implants: Hundreds sue NHS over 'barbaric' treatment 7 bbc
Tim Farron: Lib Dem leader says snap election is 'chance to change direction of country' 1 independent
New York Today: A Holocaust Survivor’s Story, on Stage 1 nytimes
Reality Check: How do you call an early election? 0 bbc
May to seek snap election for 8 June 1 bbc
Scientists to take to the streets in global march for truth 0 guardian
My wife was killed by an older driver – that’s why I’m fighting for tests 0 guardian
The many times Theresa May ruled out an early election 0 guardian
What is the Fixed-term Parliaments Act? 0 guardian
Dexter Neal dog death: Halstead woman pleads guilty 2 bbc
Pound sterling bounces back as Theresa May calls for 8 June general election 1 independent
Nightclub acid attack victims 'couldn't see' 1 bbc
Pound recovers after Theresa May statement 2 bbc
FCA's "Harry Regulator and the Philosopher's Mission" is no best seller 0 independent
FTSE 100 deepens losses after Theresa May calls for a snap general election 0 independent
US airstrike on Syria mosque that killed nearly 40 was 'likely unlawful', finds human rights watchdog 0 independent