News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama 1 nytimes
Donald Trump signs executive actions to push through Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines 5 independent
Court rejects Scottish government Article 50 argument 4 bbc
Coffee to go: Chicago cop throws hot drink at biker’s face (VIDEO) 0 rtcom
Our union celebrates TPP's death. Nafta must be the next trade deal to fall 0 guardian
Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines to be revived by Trump administration 0 guardian
Granit Xhaka questioned by police over allegation of racial abuse at Heathrow 0 guardian
Toy prices expected to rise after pound's Brexit plunge 0 guardian
BT European chief to resign over Italian scandal 9 bbc
BT shares plunge 20% as Italian accounting scandal deepens – business live 11 guardian
Tom Price’s stock controversy shows an urgent need for a new law 0 washpo
Israel 'announces 2,500 new settler homes', signalling new approach under Donald Trump 3 independent
Wyoming companies could be banned from using renewable energy with new state legislation 0 independent
Trump backs Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines 4 bbc
President Donald Trump will 'keep James Comey on as FBI director' 3 independent
India says it plans to measure whether quake shrank Everest 2 bbc