News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Donald Trump threatens to terminate Cuba deal if ‘Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal’ 2 independent
South Africa: President Jacob Zuma reportedly faces no-confidence vote South Africa: President Jacob Zuma reportedly... 1 guardian
Cuban Americans: share your response to Fidel Castro's death Cuban Americans: share your response to Fidel Castro's ... 2 guardian
Watching Ed Balls on Strictly was the uncomplicated joy we all needed Watching Ed Balls on Strictly was the uncompli... 2 guardian
Amazon and eBay sellers' VAT fraud rife despite crackdown Amazon and eBay sellers' VAT fraud rife despite crackdown 2 guardian
Mary Berry given a second BBC show Mary Berry given a second BBC show 1 guardian
Kentucky Thanksgiving Day shooting leaves two dead at football tournament Kentucky Thanksgiving Day shooting leaves ... 1 guardian
US says airstrikes in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 20 civilians since fall US says airstrikes in Iraq and Syr... 3 guardian
Chobani millionaires: employees could split 10% of yogurt company windfall Chobani millionaires: employees could spl... 2 guardian
Tucker the gassy sea turtle treated for the bends so he can dive Tucker the gassy sea turtle treated for the bends s... 2 guardian
'Cheap' Google deal sets bad precedent, says tax expert 'Cheap' Google deal sets bad precedent, says tax expert 3 guardian
Forget Fidel Castro’s policies. What matters is that he was a dictator Forget Fidel Castro’s policies. What matters ... 2 guardian
Anti-LGBT law sparks protests in North Carolina, with dozens arrested Anti-LGBT law sparks protests in North Carolin... 5 guardian
Victorian education department investigates child forced to sit on beanbag outside class Victorian education departm... 3 guardian
Melania Trump wants to be a 'traditional' first lady like Betty Ford. Good luck with that Melania Trump wants to be ... 1 guardian
Wales urged to do deal with Ireland to secure EU funds post-Brexit Wales urged to do deal with Ireland to secure EU ... 4 guardian