News Article Title Version Source Discovered
3 New York Police Commanders Are Arrested on Corruption Charges 1 nytimes
Shark dies after tourists drag it out of the sea to take photos 1 independent
What are the key issues for trade and the economy? 0 bbc
Round-the-world solar flight takes off for daring leg across Atlantic 0 rtcom
Sayeeda Warsi: leave tactics will create more divided and xenophobic UK 0 guardian
Senate to vote on tighter gun control measures 0 guardian
A Peaceful Muslim Majority in the U.S. Tarred by Acts of a Few 0 nytimes
Pound and shares soar as Brexit fears ease – business live 8 guardian
Brexit fallout: seven ways the EU referendum could damage US interests 2 guardian
EU referendum: Baroness Warsi switches from Leave to Remain 4 bbc
It’s not too late for the tone of this referendum to change 1 guardian
Brexit fallout: seven ways the EU referendum could damage US interests 1 guardian
Goldman Sachs’ email censorship sends the wrong message 0 guardian
Brexit is a fake revolt – working-class culture is being hijacked to help the elite 0 guardian
Amazon's express delivery service rattles Paris authorities 0 guardian
Saiga antelope numbers rise after mass die-off 0 guardian