News Article Title Version Source Discovered
‘President Trump?’ Here’s How He Says It Would Look 0 nytimes
El Salvador arrests negotiators of gang truce in new get-tough policy 0 guardian
Egypt political activist Sanaa Seif jailed for 'insulting judiciary' 0 guardian
Judge jails 'heartless' gang who cheated pensioners in £1m fraud 0 guardian
Police dig at home of child abusers who were Fred West's friends 0 guardian
David Cameron refuses to withdraw remarks branding Donald Trump 'divisive and stupid' 0 independent
Israel boycott ban: Local councils face legal action at High Court over boycott on Israeli goods made in West Bank 1 independent
Takata’s Future in Doubt as Airbag Recall in U.S. Doubles in Size 1 nytimes
Joe Cole to join the Tampa Bay Rowdies from Coventry at end of season 2 guardian
Angry protests over India Dalit woman murder in Kerala 2 bbc
Don Lock murder: Mother of accused pleaded for help for son 1 bbc
Canada wildfire: 1,600 Fort McMurray buildings damaged 1 bbc
John Kasich, last Republican Trump rival, 'quits race' 2 bbc
Government U-turn on unaccompanied refugee children welcomed by MPs 1 guardian
John Kasich to suspend campaign, clearing way for Trump – politics live 6 guardian
Fort McMurray Blaze, Fast and Unpredictable, Keeps Firefighters at a Distance 1 nytimes