News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Do children in day care really get sick more often? 0 washpo
U.N. Rights Chief Warns Against Thai Military’s Quest for More Authority 1 nytimes
Curry restaurants in crisis as immigration rules keep out chefs 1 guardian
Two British students jailed for plotting Isis-style drive-by shootings 1 guardian
Trump's team prepares the world for a new Donald – campaign live 2 guardian
Up to 170 states poised to sign landmark climate agreement 2 washpo
Buddha-bot: Chinese temple enlists mini monk robot to boost teachings (VIDEO) 0 rtcom
1st black, Muslim & female NUS leader Malia Bouattia accused of racism 0 rtcom
Virginia Governor Restoring Voting Rights to Felons 1 nytimes
ISIS bomb cache in Palmyra: Russian sappers unearth depot with 12,000 explosive devices 0 rtcom
Norwegian minister ridiculed after plunging into Mediterranean to 'see refugee’s perspective' 0 rtcom
AP Exclusive: Ukraine children eat food tainted by Chernobyl 1 washpo
The Latest: Obama meeting with Cameron at 10 Downing St. 3 washpo
Read junior doctors' 'hearfelt plea' to Michelle Obama in full 0 independent
Leaders Roll Up Sleeves on Climate, but Experts Say Plans Don’t Pack a Wallop 2 nytimes
Colchester teenager found guilty of two murders 3 guardian