News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nationals at the heart of the order must start using their heads 0 washpo
Skype ditches support for smart TVs 0 bbc
Tyshawn Lee: Second arrest over nine-year-old's murder 1 bbc
Amazon condemned for 'cavalier' knife advertising 1 guardian
EU-Turkey deal Q&A: What does the agreement being negotiated in Brussels mean for refugees? 0 independent
EU-Turkey refugee deal: UN and Amnesty attack ‘short-sighted and inhumane’ plan 0 independent
Are Sharapova and sponsors heading for break point? 1 bbc
American tourist killed in stabbing near Biden visit to Tel Aviv 5 washpo
These cops donated a piggy bank full of money after thieves stole one from a young boy 3 washpo
Russia, West differ on UN report on Iran’s nuclear program 3 washpo
Migrant crisis: UN legal concerns over EU-Turkey plan 4 bbc
UN, rights groups criticize Europe’s draft plan on migrants 1 washpo
Iran launches ballistic missiles during military exercise 3 washpo
'No interview' after Pte Cheryl James Deepcut death 2 bbc
WHO: Sexual transmission of Zika more common than thought 2 washpo
Venezuela opposition pushes for President Maduro's exit 0 bbc