News Article Title Version Source Discovered
India Dalit man hacked to death in 'honour killing' 0 bbc
Chinese media typo calls President Xi Jinping the 'last leader' 0 bbc
Bahrain deports Lebanese 'Hezbollah supporters' 0 bbc
Police call in HSE over Dalgety Bay twins' deaths 0 bbc
Top Gear Cenotaph stunt: Chris Evans says footage should be cut 3 bbc
Syria conflict: New talks are 'moment of truth' says UN 4 bbc
Homemade guns used in Palestinian attacks on Israelis 0 guardian
Facebook, Google and WhatsApp plan to increase encryption of user data 0 guardian
BBC's Night Manager steals further ahead as ITV's Doctor Thorne slides 0 guardian
Budget 2016: Low-paid workers to receive savings bonus 2 bbc
Women lagging behind in race for apprenticeships 0 guardian
ExoMars spacecraft sets off in search of alien life 1 guardian
Palestinian ex-refugee Hanan al-Hroub wins $1m Global Teacher Prize for her work with refugee children 0 independent
Petition to rename Slough to save its reputation splits opinion 0 independent
2 plane parts to be examined in Australia for links to MH370 1 washpo
Austria: Refugees cannot pick and choose among EU nations 1 washpo