News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Official number of forced marriages in UK continues to fall 0 guardian
Pankhurst relative condemns Priti Patel's EU-suffragette comparison 0 guardian
Can the US and South Korea successfully assassinate Kim Jong-un? 0 independent
The Latest: Migrants at issue in Merkel meeting Austrian 5 washpo
More GOP turmoil as another day of voting opens with Trump and Clinton ahead 1 washpo
Indonesia wants Guantanamo detainee to stay in a US prison 1 washpo
Turning all schools into academies: what exactly is the point? 1 guardian
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Test Ballistic Missiles 2 nytimes
Scottish government's 'named person' plan faces Supreme Court challenge 1 bbc
Benin: Election heads to runoff between PM and cotton king 1 washpo
Australian universities warn parties education policy chaos is harming students 1 guardian
Leicester City fans caused 'earthquake' after last minute winner 1 bbc
UK prison population is biggest in western Europe 1 guardian
International Women's Day: Five pictures that reveal how women are treated 4 bbc
Migrant ‘exchange’: Turkey accepts mass returns, but sends Syrians to Europe 1 washpo
Bullying stopped staff reporting heart surgery deaths, says CQC 1 guardian