News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sarah Palin: Speculation rife former Alaska governor set to endorse Donald Trump 1 independent
Migrant earnings threshold would leave firms struggling to fill key jobs, business chiefs warn 0 independent
Ayatollah Khamenei Warns Iran’s Government Against U.S. ‘Deceptions’ 4 nytimes
Unilever chief anticipates year of crises as stock markets falter 1 guardian
Nanny admits killing and dismembering parents of baby who died in her care 2 guardian
New York City to receive $176m in federal funding for storm protection 0 guardian
Mexico probes Kate del Castillo 'business dealings' with Guzman 0 bbc
Book festival speakers’ pay is not an ‘additional cost’ 0 guardian
Schools being forced into adopting Ebaccs 0 guardian
Jeremy Corbyn’s first strike opens up the debate on nuclear weapons 0 guardian
Colombia and Farc agree on UN mission 0 bbc
Fossil fuel investments damaging Australians’ retirement savings, research shows 0 guardian
FTSE 100 closes higher despite weak China growth data 2 bbc
Twitter resolves technical problems after six hours 0 guardian
Joseph Swan’s lightbulb moment came before Thomas Edison’s 0 guardian
Labour must act now, or we lose the NHS 0 guardian