News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Chicago officials release video showing police killing of Laquan McDonald 1 guardian
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten mark white ribbon day – politics live 6 guardian
Barbra Streisand and Steven Spielberg awarded presidential medal of freedom 0 guardian
International bomb plotter jailed for 40 years in US 5 bbc
Costco chicken linked to E. coli outbreak 0 bbc
Vietnam law change introduces transgender rights 0 guardian
‘Serious consideration’ to be given to holding inquiry into Sheku Bayoh death 0 guardian
Weekend-born babies slightly more likely to die in their first week 0 guardian
Murder charge for Chicago officer who shot teenager 8 bbc
Chicago officials release video showing police killing of Laquan McDonald 0 guardian
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten mark white ribbon day – politics live 5 guardian
Plan to criminalise rough sleeping in Newport city centre dropped 1 guardian
SNP MP at centre of missing donations claim withdraws from party whip 1 guardian
Tory activists believe names leaked after complaints against Mark Clarke 1 guardian
International bomb plotter jailed for 40 years in US 4 bbc
Tunisia Declares State of Emergency After Explosion on Bus 4 nytimes