News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tim Farron says Tories 'stealing lunch money' over school meals threat 0 guardian
Iain Duncan Smith: ‘It is too easy to go out there and emote’ 0 guardian
UK policy in Syria hampered by 'wishful thinking' 0 bbc
Hillsborough inquests: officer claims he was pressured to change statement 1 guardian
Carmakers urge EU to delay new emissions limits by a year 1 guardian
Pope Francis met gay couple at Vatican embassy in US 1 bbc
National Gallery strike ended as deal agreed, union says 1 bbc
Ukraine rebels have powerful new Russian-made rockets - OSCE 2 bbc
Oregon college shooting: Roseburg can 'show a bit of light for the nation' – live 13 guardian
Nigerian city of Maiduguri 'attacked by five child bombers' 3 bbc
U.S. Strikes Positions in Afghanistan as Taliban Gain Momentum 2 nytimes
National Gallery privatisation strike ends after union agrees deal 1 guardian
How a Canadian scientist became the voice of the anti-Harper movement 3 guardian
Oregon college shooting: Gunman 'targeted Christians' 7 bbc
US-led coalition warns Russia it is fuelling extremism in Syria 1 guardian
Hurricane Joaquin predicted to veer out to sea, missing US east coast 1 guardian