News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Scottish referendum loss left Nicola Sturgeon in 'floods of tears' 1 guardian
The strange Trump and Carson phenomenon explained 1 bbc
Paris attacks: Impact on border and refugee policy 0 bbc
Marksville residents unsurprised after officers accused in six-year-old's death 0 guardian
Caught between apostasy and heartbreak: a Mormon lesbian love story 0 guardian
London housing: Conservatism and neighbourhood mix in north Kensington 0 guardian
Paris terror attacks: identities of victims from more than a dozen countries emerge 1 guardian
Sturgeon reveals what makes her tick on Desert Island Discs 2 bbc
Flood risk warnings continue across North 9 bbc
Paris attacks: Weapons found in 'getaway car' 8 bbc
Why Syrian refugee passport found at Paris attack scene must be treated with caution 0 guardian
Nick Alexander tribute: 'Clever' and 'charming' man 0 bbc
Global stock markets to fall after Paris attacks 1 guardian
Paris attacks: Fears over 'handful' of Britons 5 bbc
2 Suspects Identified as Paris Attack Investigation Widens 0 nytimes
Ex-nanny's lawsuit against tech power couple highlights potential exploitation 0 guardian