News Article Title Version Source Discovered
PM urged to explain RAF personnel involvement in Syria 0 bbc
Isis: The real power in Iraq tells its neighbours to close borders to foreign fighters 1 independent
New Horizons probe zooms into Pluto's plains 3 bbc
Jeb Bush calls for end to ban on guns in military recruiting offices 1 guardian
Brazil: Speaker Eduardo Cunha leaves government 1 bbc
The end of FoI? 9 things we only know because of the Freedom of Information Act 1 independent
Chattanooga shooting victims: four marines 'will never be forgotten' 1 guardian
Elon Musk: upgrade to Tesla Model S car makes it 'faster than falling' 0 guardian
'What happened to Sandy?': protesters tie Sandra Bland case to US race tensions 0 guardian
Car bomb kills at least 80 including children in Iraqi town of Khan Bani Saad 0 independent
Pluto will always beat prisons when it comes to tax money 2 guardian
Chattanooga attack: Marines name victims in shootings 1 bbc
Michael Fallon forced to face MPs over Syria strike 1 guardian
Teenage asylum seeker who confronted Merkel allowed to stay in Germany 1 guardian
In search of the real Jeremy Corbyn – the man threatening to wrench Labour to the left 1 independent
Iowa Republicans get some satisfaction as Scott Walker rolls up like a rock star 0 guardian