News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Diving into the world of the dead 3 bbc
Labour leadership candidates attack 'ideologically driven' union crackdown 1 guardian
China Says Detained Tourists Were Watching Terrorist Videos 0 nytimes
Go Set a Watchman's UK sales top 100,000 in one day 0 guardian
Devolution for Cornwall: Meeting 'moves plans closer' 1 bbc
British Gas to cut gas prices by 5% 2 guardian
Trade Union Bill: Ministers deny 'attack on workers' rights' 7 bbc
10 ways to get your graduation noticed 2 bbc
Child actors 'risked injury' during 'chaotic' Divergent battle scene shoot 0 guardian
Abortion is a medical procedure. The reality of those often isn't pleasant 0 guardian
Operation Jade Helm: why conspiracy theorists fear the US is invading Texas 0 guardian
Angela Merkel comes out against gay marriage – 'I don't want discrimination... but I make a difference at some point' 0 independent
What have strikes ever achieved? 0 independent
Hurricane Dolores gains strength off Mexico's west coast 0 bbc
Greece debt crisis: Parliament to debate tough debt laws 0 bbc
Uber settles San Francisco crash death case 0 bbc