News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Chinese stock markets continue to nosedive as regulator warns of panic 3 guardian
Iā€™m lucky to get help in caring for my father. But many families of dementia patients can no longer cope 1 guardian
Chinese man raises two puppies which turn out to be endangered black bears 1 independent
Greece debt crisis: Australian businessman promises to give money to distraught pensionerater photgraph goes viral 1 independent
Ex-News of the World reporter awaits appeal decision over leaks conviction 1 guardian
We all age at different rates, but how old do you really feel? 1 guardian
Former government drugs adviser Professor David Nutt writes to PM arguing against banning legal highs 0 independent
Tube strike today ā€“ live: Boris says drivers 'can strike until they're blue in the face' 1 independent
Want to start a band? Don't invite any parents to join it 0 guardian
Rightwingers think capitalism's great ā€“ if you're selling something they like 0 guardian
Bill Cosby's defenders split after revelation comedian drugged women 0 guardian
Facebook gets a feminist twist with new friends icons 0 guardian
MPs to get free vote on relaxing fox hunting ban next week 0 guardian
Baljit Singh killing: man admits murder 0 guardian
BBC and ITV 'launch bid for Six Nations' 0 bbc
New rape advert targets young Scottish men 0 bbc