News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Shatter': Man found with 100g of potent form of cannabis which looks like broken glass 1 independent
Turkish authorities detain British family feared to be Syria-bound 1 guardian
Lebanon rubbish crisis: Police 'break up ministry protest' 3 bbc
DUP defeated in assembly adjournment bid over Stormont crisis 10 bbc
Kentucky clerk defies gay marriage court order again 'under God's authority' 2 guardian
Migration crisis: bid for united EU response fraying over quota demands 1 guardian
'Airbnb for refugees' group overwhelmed by offers of help 1 guardian
Wasp study finds sting in the tail for cancer cells 0 guardian
NGO alert: Ugandan parliament debates controversial NGO bill 0 guardian
Idris Elba ‘too street’ to play James Bond? Get with the times 0 guardian
Forklift moves portable toilet with festivalgoer inside 0 guardian
'Monster' wildfire season grips west coast residents with fears of future devastation 1 guardian
Amazon Prime to allow offline viewing 1 bbc
Global stock markets hit by weak Chinese data 5 bbc
EU referendum's reworded question welcomed by experts and campaigners 2 guardian
California to end practice of keeping prisoners isolated for a decade or more 0 guardian