News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Britons killed' in Tunisia attack 0 bbc
Chinese stock markets plunge over fears share prices are unsustainable 2 guardian
Increase in Lib Dem peers risks sparking a 'crisis' in the House of Lords 1 independent
Obama to deliver Clementa Pinckney eulogy at Charleston funeral – rolling report 2 guardian
David Cameron's 'firm aim' is to remain in EU and he will highlight 'risky' consequences of Brexit - leaked memo 1 independent
Caught off guard: teasing tourist courts business end of sentry's bayonet 1 guardian
Tunisia attack on Sousse beach 'kills 37' 9 bbc
Supreme court: gay marriage legal across the US – live updates 6 guardian
Britons caught up in Tunisian beach attack 7 bbc
Today's Court Ruling, Though Expected, is Still Shocking - Especially for Those Who Grew Up LGBT in the U.S. 0 theintercept
Confederate flag furore is just part of America's growing Southern discomfort 0 independent
Terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France stun three continents 1 guardian
'We did it, babe!' – love won the day on the same-sex marriage decision 1 guardian
Same-sex marriage: Barack Obama welcomes Supreme Court ruling and says it is 'victory for America' 2 independent
Tunisia resort gun attack: British tourists among the dead 6 guardian
Obama to honour Charleston shooting victims at funeral 1 bbc