News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fifa scandal: South Africa denies $10m World Cup bribe 3 bbc
Sepp Blatter linked with US inquiry as Interpol issues alert for Fifa executives – live updates 11 guardian
Syria civil war: The harrowing testament of a five-year-old victim of this endless conflict 1 independent
David Cameron leads Commons tributes to Charles Kennedy 3 bbc
Human error likely in Alton Towers rollercoaster crash, former staff claim 2 guardian
In Boston, Media Again Trash a Police Shooting Victim by Uncritically "Reporting" Police Accusations 1 theintercept
New York Cosmos beat Cuba in historic friendly match: 'The doors are open' 0 guardian
Anthrax scandal: US Defence Department sent anthrax sample to Canadian government 0 independent
California redwood: This beautiful, soaring 249 foot tree is a mere 777 years old - half what experts believed 0 independent
Glan Clwyd Hospital: Minister sorry for Tawel Fan scandal 4 bbc
Isis executes three gay men by dangling them from top of 100ft building and letting go 1 independent
Palace confirms Queen 'routine' health check after tweet error 1 bbc
India bans Maggi noodles in Delhi for 15 days 3 bbc
US woman pursues ex-boyfriend in landmark UK revenge-porn action 2 guardian
Cameron refuses to rule out leaving European convention on human rights 1 guardian
Solar Impulse: Plane damaged after landing in Japan 2 bbc