News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Royston Jones denies trying to kill wife on hospital ward 2 bbc
E-cigarettes 'may harm the lungs and immune system' 2 bbc
End 'gross indignity', Greek FM Varoufakis tells Germany 7 bbc
Why it’s such a big deal that Oscar Romero was declared a martyr by Pope Francis 1 washpo
FDA head Margaret Hamburg to resign in March; Ostroff to be acting chief 1 washpo
Redwell v Camden breweries: 'Hells' lager legal dispute 1 bbc
Chimps 'learn local grunts' to talk to new neighbours 1 bbc
New York district attorney wants to keep Eric Garner grand jury transcripts confidential 0 independent
FGM: What is Female Genital Mutilation and why was the first doctor to stand trial in the UK acquitted? 0 independent
Venezuela Files Charges Accusing Pharmacy Executives of Economic Sabotage 0 nytimes
Ex-Spy Chief Called to Testify in Investigation of Argentine Prosecutor’s Death 0 nytimes
U.S. Sends More Search-and-Rescue Helicopters to Northern Iraq 0 nytimes
Scholars votes put Kerry last in terms of effectiveness 6 washpo
Why war reporters can’t stand the Brian Williams scandal 2 washpo
American Sniper Chris Kyle trial: Alleged killer Eddie Ray Routh comes face to face with potential jurors as hearing ... 2 independent
Scottish police consider ending consensual stop-and-search 5 bbc