News Article Title Version Source Discovered
French Culture Minister’s Unliterary Reading List Draws Criticism 0 nytimes
Nurse held in New Jersey returns home with two weeks left of Ebola quarantine 0 guardian
Ryanair faces €8.3m penalty for breaching French labour laws 0 guardian
A two-headed lamb and ancient dildos: the UK's strangest new museum 0 guardian
Why United need Wayne Rooney to play in the Manchester derby 0 guardian
Buried treasure: have we really seen the last of Cadbury’s chocolate coins? 0 guardian
Iceland is great for women, but it’s no feminist paradise 0 guardian
Ferguson police brace for new protests by spending thousands on riot gear 0 guardian
Lauren Laverne: ‘More charisma than any woman presenter of her generation’ 2 guardian
House price fears over plans to end coastal erosion defence 5 bbc
Hawaiian village Pahoa evacuates as Kilauea lava threatens 2 bbc
Chris Huhne loses challenge to costs of speeding points trial 1 bbc
Two genes linked with violent crime 4 bbc
East Belfast: Teenage boy taken to hospital after disorder 4 bbc
Teenager with autism found locked inside cage with door chained shut 2 independent
U.S. Marines, British troops end mission in restive Afghan province 7 washpo