News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Google employees who work, eat - and sleep - at the California campus 0 independent
Scottish independence: What is purdah and why is it important? 1 independent
Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko offers rebels more autonomy 1 bbc
Islamic State: Where key countries stand 3 bbc
Missouri executes Earl Ringo Jr after rejecting concerns over drugs used 1 guardian
Ferguson-style militarization goes on trial in the Senate 2 washpo
5 big headaches facing the winner of the Afghan election 0 washpo
Lunch lady rises to teachers union leader and takes on all comers, bluntly 0 washpo
Snowden has shown the 'huge disparity of surveillance and power', says Gellman 3 guardian
The village that slept: Iran's historic Kharanagh left almost deserted 3 guardian
McDonnell says his wife struggled with her new role as Virginia’s first lady 0 washpo
Wanted: 100 heads for England's most challenging schools 1 bbc
New details on Aug 5. insider attack that killed Maj. Gen. Harold Greene 0 washpo
Don't vote for independence 'to give the effing Tories a kick', Cameron tells Scotland 0 independent
Ashya King treatment: UK doctors ‘threatened to take five-year-old away from family if they questioned his care’, fat... 0 independent
Ideas for 10-11 September 0 guardian