News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Israeli families scarred by Gaza war 0 bbc
Alcohol abuse linked to number of licensed premises 0 bbc
MSPs to set approve civil justice shake-up 0 bbc
Churchill ‘would leave Tories’ over pledge to scrap human rights act 0 guardian
Gay marriage advocates hail 'extraordinary' victory after supreme court declines to hear appeals 0 guardian
Isis air strikes: US brings in Apache helicopters as British jets target militants in Iraq 5 independent
Armed men take control of Crimean airport 7 washpo
Is it right to pay ransoms? 0 bbc
Portugal's health tech start-ups go the long way round 0 bbc
British woman dies after Everest trek 0 bbc
Islamic State crisis: Syrian Kurds battle to keep hold of strategic Kobane 1 bbc
Supreme Court lets stand state rulings allowing same-sex marriage 0 washpo
The 1920 British air bombing campaign in Iraq 0 bbc
NHS funding crisis: Warning of £75-a-night charge for a hospital bed 2 independent
Guantanamo Bay detainee seeks changes in force-feeding 0 washpo
Choosing a husband ‘most important decision’ for women wanting children 0 guardian