News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Two men die in helicopter crash off east Yorkshire coast 3 guardian
US general: Ground troops option if anti-IS strategy fails 3 bbc
The Western stars of Chinese adverts 1 bbc
Watch: Ukrainian politician gets dumped in the trash 0 washpo
Netflix arrives in France – but gets poor reception 0 independent
Life-sentence murderer wins landmark euthanasia ruling in Belgium 0 independent
Treasure hunt: clawing back the overseas loot of the UK’s crime lords 0 independent
Scots abroad: what's it like to watch the referendum from afar? Yes? No? Nae? 0 guardian
‘Chechnya is full of phantoms’ – photographs of transformation 0 guardian
UPS doubles seasonal workforce in effort to avoid 2013 holiday season delays 0 guardian
Ed Miliband forced to abandon walkabout in Edinburgh 0 guardian
Eight held in Devon and Cornwall after slavery raids 0 bbc
Hillsborough disaster deaths 'caused by late fans' 0 bbc
Heywood and Middleton by-election candidates 0 bbc
What the world is doing to stop Ebola 1 washpo
Birmingham City Council confirms 6,000 jobs to go 4 bbc