News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Scottish independence: Sir Ian Wood issues warning over oil predictions 0 bbc
Marchioness victims remembered 25 years on at service 1 bbc
Clint Townsend: Misadventure verdict over restrained robber's death 1 bbc
Israeli Strike in Gaza Hits Family of Hamas Military Commander 4 nytimes
Landslides Kill at Least 32 in Hiroshima 4 nytimes
New rules to tackle hill tracks in Scotland 2 bbc
Afghanistan Orders Expulsion of New York Times Correspondent 0 nytimes
I am a 15-year-old immigrant who came to America because gangs murdered my family. All I want to do is stay and learn 0 guardian
Scottish independence: Government department denies using memo to tell staff to vote 'no' in referendum 1 independent
What if Packer and Gyngell were young Indigenous men? 2 guardian
Self-employed make up two-thirds of new jobs, ONS says 2 bbc
Bin Laden son-in-law recalls talk with al-Qaida leader in Afghan cave 1 guardian
James Foley: US and UK try to identify Isis militant with British accent 1 guardian
Who to blame for Argentina's disastrous default? Its lawyers, of course 1 guardian
Saudi prince's motorcade held up at gunpoint in Paris 4 guardian
Scottish Parliament passes tax collection bill 1 bbc