News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Clayton Lockett execution: Oklahomans left stunned at criticism of botched execution 0 independent
Kremlin says it is weighing response to ‘thousands’ of pleas for help from Ukraine 5 washpo
In Spite of the Law, Afghan ‘Honor Killings’ of Women Continue 1 nytimes
Here come the pre-teen feminists 0 guardian
Comedian Morgana Robinson and singer Brody Dalle on their close sister relationship 0 guardian
When recovery follows austerity, it is not cause and effect 0 guardian
Planning: the green belt is a precious resource. We must protect it 0 guardian
Katie Bickerstaffe: the woman mixing things up at Dixons 0 guardian
My husband Andrew Marr missed the warning signs of his stroke. Don't let it happen to you 0 guardian
Chris Packham: Why I'm fighting to stop the slaughter of Malta's wild birds 0 guardian
How big-hearted babies turn into selfish monsters 0 guardian
Has cycling finally become a natural part of British city life? 0 guardian
Feminism for pre-teens - delivered along with pink nail stickers 0 guardian
Mauritania: The Saharan nation of ocean fishermen 0 bbc
The heroism of everyday life in Baghdad 0 bbc
Saudi Arabia reports 25 new cases of MERS; deaths stand at 109 0 washpo