News Article Title Version Source Discovered
AstraZeneca: Aberdeen's Martin Gilbert echoes calls for public interest test on Pfizer's takeover bid 0 independent
Tesco to launch own brand smartphone 0 independent
Six injured in knife attack at Chinese train station 3 guardian
Blondie: Hear three more tracks from their new album Ghosts of Download 1 guardian
Afghanistan helicopter crash victims repatriated to UK 1 bbc
Further fall in Scots police officer numbers 0 bbc
Cruise firm Cunard scraps 10,000 balloon release plans 0 bbc
Stuart Hall admits girl's sex assault 0 bbc
Activision commits $500m to Destiny game 0 bbc
MPs to probe Pfizer bid for AstraZeneca 1 bbc
Alexis Tsipras, leader of Greece's opposition Syriza party: live Q&A 1 guardian
Gerry Adams welcomes Boston College offer to return Troubles tapes 1 guardian
Barclays quarterly profits fall 5% 3 bbc
European elections: Living out of bins in France 0 bbc
4 Employed by Operator of Doomed South Korean Ferry Are Arrested 0 nytimes
Gavrilo Princip: hero or villain? 0 guardian