News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Provocative new ad aimed at promoting safe sex tells people to 'Come Together' to fight Aids 1 independent
Pope Francis given giant chocolate statue of himself at general audience in Vatican City 1 independent
Syria conflict: 'Deal reached' on Homs civilian evacuations 4 bbc
U.N. Says Syria Must Quicken Chemical Arms Purge 0 nytimes
François Hollande attacks US tech firms' tax schemes 0 guardian
The Repo Man debt firm loses credit licence 3 guardian
Tube strike: Millions face second day of disruption and chaos as all sides agree to Friday talks to resolve dispute 5 independent
Indian car show goes on despite a slump in sales 0 bbc
Nazi stag do Tory MP Aidan Burley 'should go now' 1 bbc
Wife jailed for death of husband in Dominican Republic to appeal 12 year sentence 0 independent
George Osborne misspells Haworth on Twitter, despite being in the Yorkshire town at the time 0 independent
British couple facing extradition battle over alleged US expenses fraud 0 independent
Nick Clegg is pandering to lost voters by picking fights with Tories over education, claims Michael Gove 0 independent
Donald Macintyre's Sketch: With Owen Paterson poorly, Eric Pickles plugs the gap (not literally) 0 independent
Eric Pickles steps forward to turn the tide on UK's flood crisis 1 guardian
3 tribes authorized to prosecute non-Native American men in domestic violence cases 0 washpo