News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hollie Gazzard: Knife recovered in hairdresser murder probe 0 bbc
Nikki Allan murder: Man arrested over 1992 death 0 bbc
Jimmy Savile link to 'abuse' orphanage prompts MP's concern 1 bbc
Nigeria central bank head Lamido Sanusi ousted 4 bbc
Phone-hacking trial: Rebekah Brooks begins her evidence 3 bbc
Ukraine crisis: At least 21 dead as fresh clashes erupt in Kiev 6 independent
Over 60% drivers admit to eating and driving which 'increases chances of crashing' 2 independent
'Like if you hate Mondays': The sad world of corporate Facebook pages 1 independent
Pakistan bombs militant hideouts in tribal areas 1 bbc
Nearly 100 subsidised bus routes cut in Wales in 2011-14 1 bbc
Hard Times Leave Some Greek Car Owners With Nothing but Rust 1 nytimes
Deal Reached to Resume Expansion of Panama Canal 1 nytimes
India's supreme court says Rajiv Gandhi killers cannot be released 1 guardian
Jury told to find Rebekah Brooks not guilty on one charge in hacking trial 1 guardian
It's hard to call myself a male feminist at university. I blame lad culture 0 guardian
Meryl Streep thanked more often than God in Oscar acceptance speeches 0 guardian