News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK to protest to Spain over Gibraltar armed stand-off 1 bbc
Syria chemical weapons allegations 2 bbc
Phone-hacking trial: Andy Coulson told editor 'do his phone' 4 bbc
Germany hopes for Snowden meeting on US spying 5 bbc
Sony shares plunge as it cuts profit forecast 2 bbc
New York City marathon returns one year after Hurricane Sandy cancellation 0 guardian
Google, Yahoo et al have the power (and money) to fight back against the NSA 0 guardian
Female Muslim Brotherhood protesters arrested in Alexandria 0 guardian
Prometheus sequel script ready to go, says Ridley Scott 0 guardian
IVAs hit three-year high as borrowers struggle with debt 0 guardian
Downing Street promises 'action' on water bills 0 bbc
Newborn baby found in carrier bag 1 guardian
Andy Coulson told news editor of Calum Best story: 'do his phone' 1 guardian
Grimes defends performing in Russia after fan criticism 1 bbc
Patent wars: Tech giants sue Samsung and Google 1 bbc
RMT to ballot Tube maintenance workers for strike 0 bbc